The Baker Lab
Coastal, Estuarine, and Fish Ecology

About Us
Our estuaries and coastlines are incredible places, teeming with a diversity of life, including many species of great ecological, cultural, and economic importance. They are also the focus of development, and coupled with growing impacts from climate change, estuaries and coasts are under increasing pressures that threaten their ecological functioning and the immensely valuable services we derive from them. Research in the Baker Lab aims to better understand the functioning of these systems, particularly their role in supporting fisheries, so that resource managers are better equipped to conserve and restore these systems into the future. Our research combines a variety of approaches, including field studies, field and laboratory experiments, and long-term data analysis to understand habitat use within the coastal seascape, drivers of population and community dynamics, and the efficacy of coastal restoration.
The Baker Lab is part of the School of Marine and Environmental Sciences at the University of South Alabama, and is based at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on the Gulf of Mexico. Check out more about our work on the Research page. Students interested in joining the Lab should visit our Get Involved page.